A platform for writers to share their portfolios

There was always Behance for designers and SoundCloud for musicians, but when it came to a platform for writers to share their portfolio—there was none that I knew of. I just discovered Contently, a wonderful website that costed nothing but a bit of my time to showcase all of my published articles. Yes, the name of the website itself sounds bright, and now that I’ve discovered it, I understand why.

It’s really quite amazing. As soon as I registered and filled up all the publications I had ever written for, Contently automatically sourced all of those pieces that were available on the Internet and compiled them to my portfolio! The rest could be uploaded manually, using the PDF format.

I also like the no-frills, minimal design of this platform. In this age of SEO-centric articles that aim to do nothing but sell you products or services, or list-centric websites like Buzzfeed that vie for your valuable time, it really is imperative for writers to have a place to showcase their work and to connect with their readers via a single platform.

While personal blogs are the first choice of most writers, I really like the idea of having all my work, or at least some of it, up on a single website. Head over here to have a look at my portfolio! I’ll be sure to add more stories soon!

What are your thoughts on this?